ChartDirector Ver 4.1 (ColdFusion Edition)


The HLOCLayer class represents high-low-open-close layers. HLOCLayer is a subclass of BaseBoxLayer.

HLOCLayer objects are created by using XYChart.addHLOCLayer and XYChart.addHLOCLayer3.

setColorMethod(Self)Sets the coloring method for the HLOC symbols.
setDataGapBaseBoxLayerSets the symbol width by specifying the gap ratio between adjacent symbols.
setDataWidthBaseBoxLayerSets the symbol width by specifying the pixel width of the symbols.
set3DLayerSets the 3D depth of the layer, and the 3D gap between the current layer and the next layer.
setLineWidthLayerSets the default line width of lines when drawing data sets on the layer.
setBorderColorLayerSets the default border color and 3D raised effect when drawing data sets on the layer.
setLegendOrderLayerSets the order of the data set names as appeared in the legend box.
setLegendLayerSets the order of the data set names as appeared in the legend box.
setDataCombineMethodLayerSets the method used to combine multiple data sets in a layer.
addDataSetLayerAdds a data set to the chart layer.
getDataSetLayerGets the requested DataSet object.
addDataGroupLayerOpen a new data group.
addExtraFieldLayerAdds an array of text to be used as an extra field in various places.
addExtraField2LayerAdds an array of numbers/dates to be used as an extra field in various places.
setUseYAxisLayerDetermine the y-axis to use when drawing the data sets.
setUseYAxis2LayerDetermine if the primary or secondary y-axis should be used when drawing the data sets.
setXDataLayerSets the x values of the data points in the data sets.
setXData2LayerSets the x values of the data points in the data sets as evenly distributed in a range.
alignLayerLayerAligns the layer with a data set of another bar chart layer in Side layout.
getXCoorLayerGets the x pixel coordinate of a point given the x data value.
getYCoorLayerGets the y pixel coordinate of a point given the y data value.
xZoneColorLayerCreates a x-zone color. A x-zone will change from one color to another depending on a threshold value on the x-axis.
yZoneColorLayerCreates a y-zone color. A y-zone will change from one color to another depending on a threshold value on the y-axis.
setDataLabelStyleLayerEnables data labels and sets their styles.
setDataLabelFormatLayerSets the data label format.
addCustomDataLabelLayerAdds a custom data label to a data point.
setAggregateLabelStyleLayerEnables aggregate labels and sets their styles.
setAggregateLabelFormatLayerSets the aggregate label format.
addCustomAggregateLabelLayerAdds a custom aggregate label to an aggregated object.
addCustomGroupLabelLayerAdds a custom data group label to object representing the group.
getImageCoorLayerGets the image map coordinates of a data point as represented in the layer as HTML image map attributes.
getImageCoor2LayerGets the image map coordinates of a region containing all data points at the given x-position as HTML image map attributes.
getHTMLImageMapLayerGenerates an HTML image map for all data points as represented on the layer.
setHTMLImageMapLayerOverride the default arguments used when generating HTML image map for the layer.